Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Apocalypse update!

    I found this pic as I was jumping around the web! Nice model, I hope that it will open and close and not need to be built one way or the other. This is going to be a great summer for Warhammer 40k Players!

Monday, June 3, 2013

The rise of Titans

                     So Buy now you all have most likely seen the July cover for white dwarf.

I am not usually a fan of large point value games, but Apocalypse has always held a special place in my heart. I would say it springs from my love of team battles. As its great fun to team up and do giant battles like you read about all over 40k, the wars for Armageddon, and the Crusade of Fire. I watched my brother Slay a Greater Demon of Khorne with a missile shot in a 5000pt 4 on 4 way back in 2nd edition. To the first Apocalypse game I ran at a flgs of 10,000 pt. That game was 4 players a side, 2,500pts each. The points were raised from 2,000 each when I saw the warlord titan in the Apoc book. I was going to bring my wolves but the hook was set as I remembered reading the comic Titan God Machine, and from there I had one month to build my Warlord.
   I based it off the Forge World of Graia from the Relic Space Marine game, the older history about this forge world is that its the home of the Titan legion of The Legio Astraman (AKA the Morning Stars) and I used there color scheme. The teams were Space Wolves (not mine), Imperial guard, Tau, and my Warlord Titan versus Chaos Marines, Necrons, Orks, and Renegade Imperial Guard. If you have ever seen the stats on a warlords weapons and thought WOW, then let me tell you as one Princeps to another, the stats are as nothing to seeing them put to use on the table!

Armed with Apocalypse Missile Launcher, Vortex Missle, Volcano Cannon, and Quake Cannon.
Enemy in sight turn 1
After the Titans first shooting phase our foes have lost a Monolith, Canoptek Tomb Stalker, a squad of Necron Warriors, Necron Lord, Chimra with comand Squad, Havok squad, Vindicator, Defiler, A ruin and a few other things. The Voetex Missile was a beast!
So what are your thoughts about a New Apocalypse?
So till next time, For the Allfather, for Russ, and for Fenris!!